New Job, New Boss

New Year, New Job…New Boss

For many of us, the new year is the ideal catalyst we need to find a new job. But it’s far too easy to get caught up in the excitement of the search—and its potential for a better salary, expanded title, and greater job responsibilities—and lose sight of a primary reason people leave their jobs: their boss.

“Salary” and “Manager” are like the “Coke” and “Pepsi” of job satisfaction surveys: sometimes one occupies the top spot and sometimes the other.

Additionally, who’s conducting and who’s responding to various surveys affects whether the top reason people leave their job is due to managers or due to salaries. Regardless, the old adage still rings true: people leave managers, not companies.  

But lately, a new adage has taken hold: “You are the average of the five people you most associate with.”  Coined by motivational speaker Jim Rohn and adopted by “Tools of Titans” author and podcaster Tim Ferriss, it has profound career implications.  Ultimately, it is the theory that although we may interact with dozens of coworkers, the handful we surround ourselves with have a profound impact on our work styles, habits, and career achievements.

The opportunity to interact with new work colleagues is, quite simply, the best reason to find a new job.  Growth—learning new skills and management styles from accomplished professionals—will help you advance to the level you’re aspiring to reach.

As you get closer to identifying your new job, remember to vet your potential boss as closely as you vet the organization. Some of the activities you may engage in include:

-Reading reviews on sites such as Glassdoor. Reviews often include details about departments and individual managers.

-Communicating with trusted members of your network.  They may have insights—or put you in touch with members of their network who do.

-Asking why your predecessor left. The answer may be more candid than you expect.

-Requesting to meet team members who report to the same hiring manager. Ask what they have learned from their boss.

-Making the most of your interview with the hiring manager.  The one-on-one time you have with your hiring manager during the interview process is crucial. There are many questions you might ask, but if you feel you know more than your potential boss, you probably need to move on.

There are plenty of benefits to a new job and a new manager.  Enter into the search process with open eyes and you’ll soon be experiencing them.

If you need support in planning—and executing—your job search, contact San Francisco-based resume writer, Robin Kelley, at Resume Preferred to schedule an introductory call.

If you’re a senior executive and are seeking to capture and convey your value in the marketplace—and achieve the next level of career success — contact Leadership Career Consultant Amy Phillip.